The Renault Captur remains a niche option in the light SUV segment, but that's not a product of objective capability – it's quite good.
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James Wong
The 2024 Renault Captur is available in the following exterior paint colours:
Every colour except for Diamond Black is available in a two-tone finish with a black roof.
For entry-level Life models, Smokey Blue solid paint is free, single-tone metallic paint costs $650, two-tone Smokey Blue solid paint costs $450 and two-tone metallic paint costs $1000.
For the rest of the range, single-tone and two-tone Smokey Blue are free, with single-tone and two-tone metallic paint costing $650.
The Renault Captur remains a niche option in the light SUV segment, but that's not a product of objective capability – it's quite good.
James Wong
We still rate the Kia EV6 GT, don't get us wrong. But this sleek, extremely rapid EV has had some of its thunder stolen by another car.
William Stopford