2025 JAC T9 review
The good-looking, cut-price new JAC T9 ute promised plenty, but the Chinese brand's debut Australia model doesn't stand out from the crowd.
![[object Object] profile picture](https://c-images.carexpert.com.au/upload/q_auto:best/f_auto/c_scale,w_1600/v1/authors/cm3xy05qh00016i2obq4hcacn.jpg)
Jack Quick
Ice White is standard, while premium paint is an extra $695.
The full palette consists of:
The good-looking, cut-price new JAC T9 ute promised plenty, but the Chinese brand's debut Australia model doesn't stand out from the crowd.
Jack Quick
There's a mid-life update looming, but the Mazda BT-50 is a great-value ute right now, especially in premium SP trim.
Josh Nevett